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Small World - March 2011-More on the Japanese tragedy

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Notes on Japan in crisis

Before we look at the patterns, may I express my own profound and heartfelt sympathy and grief for the nation of Japan at this time of great loss and unimaginable suffering. My prayers join those of the millions around the world who wish you well, and long for your healing.

Japan - the National Charts

Campion has three charts; I have chosen two that precede them, (1) for the Convention of Kanagawa (now Yokohama) on March 31st 1854 when Japan was obliged to open up to the West (Source, Wikipedia and National Archives), and (2) the crowning of Emperor Meiji in Kyoto on October 12th 1868 (Source, Wikipedia). In each case I have given the Land of the Rising Sun a sunrise chart, surely the most symbolically correct, and which turn out in fact to be more vividly descriptive than the patterns at noon or midnight.

1. Treaty of Kanagawa March 31st 1854

An orderly, dignified and populous nation, modern Japan's first chart has dwad Saturn/Venus on radix Aries Sun/Asc, square dwad Moon/Mars in Cancer. (All these in the 2011+ Pluto firing-line.) Dwad Sun/Asc opposes dwad Mercury/Desc with radix Jupiter. Pointedly, in the dwad we again find Uranus/IC in 8 Virgo. As a people, disciplined, skilled, assertive and subject to continual shocks.

The  Q chart for quake time gives us a dwad Asc con Uranus, Chiron and Moon, all with radix IC/SN. In coelo, Mars rises as Saturn culminates, and the Moon/Uranus conjunction is exact within 9' of arc. Dwad Saturn is with the radix Sun in 10 degrees of Aries, squared by the Pluto transit, like most of the Suns of towns and cities obliterated by the tsunami.

2. Emperor Meiji Crowned in Kyoto, October 12th 1868

Fourteen years later, the Emperor's Sunrise chart has Uranus square the Libra Sun/Asc and stting Neptune. Pluto is joined by the dwad Sun, Asc and Moon opposite dwad Pluto/Desc. In coelo, Ceres is in the SN opposite a NN Leo Moon.
Here is another chart that graphically depicts a nation at constant risk from earthquake and sudden inundation, which will constantly have to renew itself through catastrophe and loss. With the mid-Taurus dwad 'New Moon', through everything Japan will maintain an ethos of stability and inner power ... so long as it keeps its spiritual integrity. That dwad Asc-Desc is resonant with the two great Royal Stars, Aldebaran and Antares, giving the Emperor and his land a high profile and a privileged position. If this is abused, the conequences can be dire.

The Q chart for the earthquake at this crowning also has Saturn at the Midheaven. Added to this, Ceres and the Moon's South Node are rising, and in the dwad Uranus is near the MC, Mars, Neptune and Ceres surround the Ascendant. The dwad IC conjoins radix Mars.
Like the earlier Q chart, another pattern of shock, people suffering, loss of family and environment, and fire.

Cities and Towns destroyed by the Quake at 14h46m23s JST on March 11th 2011, and the subsequent Tsunami:

The transiting pattern at Rikuzentakata - one of the coastal towns which was swept away: Uranus con ASC in the dwad con radix Neptune + Ceres in Aquarius. Sudden bereavement of many people by a mass of seawater. (The same is found for Kesennuma, destroyed by the sea in 7 minutes and then finished completely by a huge fire.)
At its foundation, the 0h00 chart's dwad shows Neptune con Desc with SN (and Venus). Dwad Ceres nr dwad IC and radix SN.
The 12h00 chart has Neptune setting with dwad Mars opp Sun; dwad Desc con radix Pluto, dwad MC/Ceres con radix SN.
Rikuzentakata Q the Quake - IC con Pluto, Ceres setting. ASC con dwad Pluto/IC.

Asteroid Poseidon is conjunct Neptune in coelo on the day of the disaster. He is the Sea-god who also sent earthquakes to punish mankind.


At quake of 11th March 2011, Sendai Incorporation chart (April 1st 1889, 0h00 taken) - dpMC con natal SN and SR NN; dconvASC con SR Saturn, opp SR Uranus.


Kesennuma was founded 1st June 1953. Q the quake, Saturn con Neptune rising with Moon at IC; dwad Asc con radix Mars, Ceres con IC in the dwad. Destruction by sea and fire, with loss of life.
At 0h00 Chiron sets; Mercury and Mars nr IC in 4th, Dwad Neptune/MC conj. con radix IC. At 12h00 same pattern is on MC; SN just below ASC.
0h00 chart and reflex - Ceres/Uranus to MC, Saturn/Neptune-Venus to Desc-Asc, Moon to IC. Danger of loss through shock and water.
SR of 0h00 chart - Sun sets, Saturn nr MC and con dwad Sun. Dwad Asc con dwad Pluto and radix Neptune/Chiron opp dwad Moon, radix Mars on dwad Desc. Mars con MC in dwad.
Total destruction by quake, sea and fire.

SR of 12h00 chart has Saturn nr IC in 4th, SN Asc, dwad Neptune and Ceres Desc. Mars exactly on IC in dwad. Bereavement, sea and fire again.


The Fukushima nuclear power plant was commissioned 26th March 1971. The 12h00 chart has Uranus at IC opp Chiron on MC with dwad Mars; dwad Chiron on Asc.

Fukushima City was founded 1st April 1907. The 0h00 chart has Mars rising, Pluto setting so that MA/PL=AS. This is all aligned with the dwad Nodes, and radix Pluto is e square the dwad Asc-Desc and radix Saturn con dwad 7th. The Quake's reflex Pluto is at 22+ Gemini, conjunct Fukushima's radix Pluto... a quasi-Return.

The Solar Return on March 30th 2010 has Uranus at the IC opp dwad Jupiter (hope?), and a dwad Pluto/Asc.

The sidereal chart's SR for April 2010 has all the same signatures as the above charts, but in a historic context. Events at the four reactors of its nuclear power plant are becoming dangerous. In the dwad, IC/SN/Moon/Ceres all conjunct in Aquarius with radix Jupiter. Bereavement, loss of population; again, does Jupiter offer hope? dwad Asc con radix Saturn, dwad Desc/Neptune 20' from radix Uranus. Ceres sets near Pluto.

Everywhere the Earth Mother goes with her abysmal son-in-law there are traumas to meet, bereavement to endure, and environmental lessons to learn. Most of us are taking, or are soon to take our turn.

Patterns at Tokyo

Tokyo, previously known as Edo, was renamed on 3rd September 1868 (source Wikipedia). More recently it became a Metropolitan Prefecture, on July 1st 1943 - again placing it in the front line of the current Pluto transits, which oppose the Tokyo Sun.
The Solar Return for July 2010 is most powerful in the sidereal, where quake, fire and grievous loss are shown in the opposition of Saturn with Uranus and dwad Mars across the dwad Asc-Desc, squared by Ceres opp Jupiter. Also in the dwad is a tight conjunction of neptune/IC, flanked by Mars and Pluto. The whole picture reflects not only the material impact of the 2011 quake on the capital, but of course the entire national emergency with which the Japanese Government now has to engage from its center.